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"You will never be the same again"
Video copy taken directly from participants testimony. 





"What hath She done to me, again?

I am clearer, more fearless, more trusting, more joyful, more ME, and dare I say, trusting of divine masculine as well...


When I first experienced Panther, I was literally broken.

I remember being late and hurriedly running into one of Kira's events in NYC to do breathwork with a 4 day old cast around my broken wrist- shivering still from the trauma of a bad car accident combined with potent but misguided psychedelic trips. It was my first breathwork, and I remember the feeling of the cells in my bone fusing together.

For some unknown reason my terrified heart genuinely trusted this woman’s work without even seeing her face clearly in the dark. 


It took years for me to feel unintimidated by Kira- her sharp words , truth bombs, and face of beauty was, and still is an obsidian mirror - if I ask it something will it give me the truth?

Always. Am I ready for the answer? Never...


Underneath her high priestess wizardry, she is a warm clown with a heart of pure Gold.

That seems to be the ceaseless fire that fuels her services, alongside her strong ancestry and connection to divinity. What I learn from Panther is timeless wisdom and etheric place I can call Home within the Matrix. It sounds cliche but this tribe is where I belong because it aligns with my truth and values of absolute realness, a no bullshit zone. Within this space I was born and reborn again and again, unlearning and shedding and transforming and alchemizing at an alarming speed.


I’d follow Kira all over the world to unlock secrets of our subconscious and even cosmos together; to die and re-emerge in potent portals of this Earth.


What a blessing to have this community and support during this time in history.

I’m honored to walk alongside some of the worlds most incredible and fierce humans I’ve ever met through Kira and the Panther Process. Never really ready for what’s next, but I AM HERE, always supported, grounded, embodying JOY- words that weren’t in my vocabulary have been repainted and weaved into my new emotional landscape.


From the depths of my Soul,

Anji J. 

"A peak moment that changes your life: that you can never unsee or unfeel that will forever be remembered."
"I can see very clearly how impactful and transformative and essential the fruit of this work was - I needed it."
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"I feel so supported, which is not something I am used to or comfortable with. Inside Panther is the first moment I felt free in my life."
"Kira is the most sweetest and terrifying person I have ever met. She is a portal in herself. Truly an integral practitioner and I trust her practice ...more than anything."
"Kira is no bullshit - she's not on some ego trip trying to 'heal you.' "

​"Transformative, vast, and's really really fun."
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"Woo! This is deep, confronting and joy and brightness are coming back."
"It's a safe deep dark mirror in which you really get to see yourself, your process, your patterns- the things that no longer serve you. It offers you the medicine you need to see to break those patterns, own them, and reclaim the power of your humanity."

What is RISE?

Who is RISE for?

*** If you have never worked with Panther before, pls tell us why you feel this is right for you.

We will schedule a brief call to make sure RISE is a fit. ***


Do you want to feel more powerful than where you are operating at now?

Are you tired of your "story" or simply tired from all you've been carrying for too long?

It's time to upgrade -  yourself, your relationships, and shine authentically in a world that needs you more than ever.


Are you done with spiritual labels, Shadow Work impostures, self proclaimed "masters", or a reliance on substance to temporarily transcend pain?

RISE is for those who have been through "spiritual" programming that didn't penetrate deep enough.


Are you ready to take all you have learned, upgrade and INTEGRATE it into the world?

It's time to CREATE, to unite the above and the below.


This is the call you have been waiting for.

This is not a standard retreat, this is an initiation.

This is not a guided tour disguised as a "transformational" retreat.

This is not a plant medicine retreat.

The Panther Process offers its' copyrighted, highly dynamic curated programs based in Shadow Work that incorporate an alchemy of modalities from around the world into transformative experiences that create lifelong results in all facets of living. Each day is curated to each element (Fire , Water, Air, Earth) in alignment with the corresponding chakra points of Shadow emotions and special guest experts.


RISE is a stunning opportunity at the precipice of this New World to be truly 5th Dimensional humans.


It is a gateway to the other side of your Fear.

...and intentional down to the detail.

RISE includes

(but is not limited to...)


  • Eco- luxury accommodation for 7 nights 

  • Beautiful meals (organic and plant based whenever possible) 

  • Panoramic poolside + yoga shala ocean views

  • Meticulously Curated Panther Programming 

  • Personal access to Kira's private network of expert guest practitioners

  • Daily Yoga / BreathWork

  • Traditional clay TeMezcal with a revered elder and head of a local natural medicine school

  • Xukulem (Mayan Fire Ceremony) with an initiated Mayan Priest

  • Agua Hara Water Therapy with an expert embodied facilitator 

  • Ceremony with an elder Chief of Sundance 

  • Art / Expression / Movement

  • Individually 1:1 experience with an expert curated based on how YOU evolve that week 

  • Post retreat support 

  • Bonus integration day of surprise adventures



... more to be revealed. Subject to change based on flow.


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Standard Double Occupancy 2-Story Bungalow w/ 2 baths, terrace, + sweeping ocean views
4550$ p/person ​

Air-conditioned Private Bungalow w/ balcony + ocean views (*) ​

Private Suite  - patio level​

Double Occupancy 2-Story Luxury Bungalow w/large private terrace + sweeping ocean views 
4600$ p/person 

Large Luxury Bungalow w/large private terrace + sweeping ocean views 

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* - First come first serve basis.

** If you have never worked with Panther before, pls tell us why you feel this is right for you. We will schedule a brief call to make sure RISE is a fit. **


Payment information

  • Payment plans available case by case

  • Credit card payments , VENMO + WISE transfers accepted

  • A nonrefundable deposit of 2k USD is required to secure your place. In the event of an emergency, deposit can be applied to other Panther services.

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