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The Fire Under the Ass of Humanity

“The belief that something is wrong is the fire under the ass of humanity.” ― Jed McKenna I've been thinking about what to say coming home from Asia, how much I've wanted to share with you all. About whats happening in the world, about my personal process, the profound restructuring that is taking place in the world right now that we have all felt on a myriad of intensity ranging from home, family , to love and spiritual connection. It feels like the galaxy is undergoing this renovations so fast it feels nearly impossible to make solid agreements or contracts for the next phase when it seems to be shredding us into advancement that much quicker every day. The higher we vibrate, the more attune we are to these shifts. With that said, there is simply too much to say in one download. Maybe right now, with all this energy and Mercurial Virgo abound, we simply don't need more "information". I have this inherent desire to share like a cataclysmic burst of quantum energy from a black hole onto all of you imprinting everything I have discovered into your frequency automatically shifting you like the greatest teacher that ever was. The scientific discoveries alone the last few months about the black holes in our Universe can speak volumes. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted a Yoda. Someone that could explain and help me discipline myself to be the Master Jedi One amazing teacher that was going to deliver the support, knowledge, and help awaken my gifts. That individual never came. Life was my teacher. And it was a brutal mistress. She was relentless as I was stubborn to hold onto safety. Let me tell you, it doesn't work. Everything I offer to my community, my students, my clients, is a result of that learning. A result of every decision, every perceived failure, every joy, every moment of enchantment, potions of darkness, utter contentment, fractals of awareness and explosions of magic...all with hope that you will carry out your own gifts into the world. Being your own Yoda. As I have been talking about the Uranian restructuring that has begin since its movement into Taurus, with Saturns dance with the S.Node, the conj of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto AND Mars upcoming soon in 2020.... this is the time of our greatest courage. This is the time that we own more profoundly than ever who you are and what your medicine is. We simply don't have a choice anymore, we can either move forward or be dragged. As we move further into September, the month of my solar return, and the Virgo energy continues to sweep up, polish, and purify all that we have hopefully destroyed with grace this summer to make way for more... the Earth continues to burn. How many of you have felt these flames lighting up Shadow in your body? Flooding anxiety? Rapid shifts in temperature and mood? Psychic and astral bombs opening up matrix codes of your life into bits of glass? Yes she is calling to you, this Earth of ours. We cannot ignore her needs. Continue your work my kindred Souls. You are so needed, so loved, and so supported. Sept 11th we will learn a system of somatic, energetic, and psychological tools to help identify, clear, and own your Shadows at Alchemist Kitchen. Sept 28th we will be diving in all day into proper Astrological study that I have acquired over 30 years + a New Moon ceremony to bring it all into our bodies. Oct we kick off 3 weekends in a row of THETA training housing your old belief systems. Who's ready to step in? What are you waiting for. I'll see you on the Path.

Wahe Guru. Kira xx

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