"The issue goes far beyond economics, or commerce, or poetics, or an evening of pleasantries as we look out over a scenic view. Something is happening beyond all this. We are losing splendid and intimate modes of divine presence. We are perhaps, losing ourselves." - Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth There is an essence to the planet we know is undeniable. We also know there is a profound shift that is taking place beyond our control, and that loss of control is shaking us to the core. Where to do we reconnect to center? Where IS our center? This past month in Australia, I water fasted in one of the most sacred sites on this Earth, Uluru during the merging of the Saturn /Pluto conjunction. The Frog energy ran through my veins as my constant awareness was drawn to observing the small tadpoles in the sparse water pools in the middle of the red earth of the Outback. I vomited as if I ingested Kambo (a powerful frog poison) used to detoxify the body. I saw a large frog swim to me as I was praying by a small pool when nothing else was present. The next day after the conjunction, a miracle presented itself. Scientists announced the very first successful living robot... made from frog DNA.

We now have Artificial Intelligence. How are we supposed to accept this type of new being and understand it when our society is at war with connection itself? How are we expected to be ok in these times of total lack of control of life moving us faster than we can keep up with? How do we create this new world WITH each other, not against? If they are introducing new life forms on this planet, the least we can do is learn how to relate to the ones we know. In Shamanic medicine, Soul Retrieval is a practice calling in pieces from other realms of a persons Soul that have been fragmented causing us loss of life and vitality. Community is an active role in bringing someone HOME, back to Soul. The act of witnessing someone in this process is deeply healing in itself... as I take a literal breath and sigh, so few of us know what it means to truly relate authentically. We settle for relationships that keep us safe. We settle for not truly knowing ourselves (although our Ego says we do) and being surrounded with a dozen average relationships with people that don't actually have the capability to take this ride with you into the chasms of Soul depths and discovery. We hide who we are more than we show it. More than we know it. Carl Jung discusses "...years of rites of initiation have been teaching rebirth form the spirit, yet man has forgotten the meaning of divine initiatory procreation in our times....causes a loss of Soul, present everywhere today". Since my initiation in Uluru during the activation of the Rainbow Serpent, (google this for many links or type Robert Coon) time has sped up everything I have dreamed up in technicolor. Community has appeared in ways I have forgotten or have never felt, and I have been seen in ways that are cracking me open like a rock melon on a 40 degree celsius Aussie afternoon. It's deeply penetrating. And oh so glorious. In my reconnection to the Earth in what is to be considered the birthplace of all humanity from the oldest living race of humans on the planet, the Aboriginals, the divinity in connection was REborn. I am more intimate with myself and others than I have ever been. I am receiving in ways unknown and supported in aspects that bring humility. In this magical gateway of 0202 2020, reflecting the I AM just like the Panther Logo right back to you, this is the divine witnessing of YOU. It's also the pagan day of Imbolg... where we plant the seeds (our intentions) for Lunar New Year to be birthed come Spring. This is when we make our voice clear to what we claim. This day, this utterly powerful day... is celebrating your reconnection to Divinity through the OTHER. Will you allow yourself to be witnessed? During my recent workshop in Sydney, participants were guided through ritual anointing themself in ash and rising into their new skin. Witnessed by their community. (Read the rebirth of one of our sisters here). The burnt land in Aus is already starting to regrow the green in rich regenerated soil as the fires pass. Never forget how powerful the Earth is, or your intentions... especially now. Share this Panther Download, this is how we spread the current we seek. Step forward and claim it. Be seen and embrace your community. They are the way HOME. Wahe Guru. Kira xx