"Full moon glare
Bewitched dreams tore my reason and
My bones rip themselves from my flesh
Let them come
I fear no curse."
- Camelia Dragusin

We have never in our lifetime experienced such a blur between the 3D and 5D reality. And here we are, at a time when the veil is whisper thin and the earthly world is fragmented.
We have never needed connected to Spirit more than now.
The Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos is a staple holiday here in Mexico. Despite the ban on large gatherings, they are finding a way to enter cemeteries to honor their ancestors. The offrendas (altars full of ceremonial images, food, flowers, and candles) are awash with blessings in their own homes as the Full Moon blazes overhead. This year, we are honoring all the souls that crossed over during a time of great confusion. Some carrying CV, some who's hearts chose simply not to beat anymore. We don't know the whole truth, and that's ok. We still grieve them with honor.
In the Pagan calendar, Samhain or Witches New Year, is the same time honoring the Crone goddess. The Dark Mother, where the blood is held in ways of wisdom honoring the yonic pathways between life and death. If you tuned into the intense and powerful "Queens of Shadow" on the 15th, we reviewed this in detail whilst connecting to our Crone Goddess. Participants have anointed their altars with their art from this ritual and have been sending me the most wonderful feedback from connecting with their Crone Goddess.
I miss being live with all of you for this holiday. We will again soon.
The teachings on both of these traditions could go on and on, although that's not why I write you now.
This year of 2020 there has never been a time in our lives to LET GO. To GRIEVE - our old selves, our ancestors who have crossed over during this gateway, our expectations.
Friendships have lost, connections severed and family divided. This is our world right now... over fear driven narratives.
This epitome of the Dark Half of the Year indeed is dark.
We are swimming in a sea of Fear based morality complexes based on trauma. Trauma from this life, past lives, some kind of in between life, and the nexus that binds it all together through our ancestral line.
Listen to the spirits and turn off the politics, the noise, the yelling. In the end it doesn't matter. Honor the Balsamic phase (full moon, karmic rewards, karmic revelations) of this lunar cycle over the weekend. Connect to the Magick of the Old with Hecate, Lilith, Sheila Na Gig and the Crones to receive Shadow medicine... whether you like it or not.
'Tis the time of the W I T C H. The real ones. The Old Souls... the ones who don't have a choice to be anything else but the Dark Fem Queens of the Occult... it's through this medicine we R E B I R T H.
So let's die the energetic death that we've been avoiding, the one we didn't think was there (still). Let's allow the death that is 2020. It's ok... more is coming. Avoid getting lost in the Matrix distractions and remember the world is waiting for you outside anything you think you are. Let us let go of all the Fear and plunge into the Void where all is born again.
Now .. enjoy the Death.
Enjoy this time when we realize the inevitable...
control is an illusion. Cat and I are here to help. We are listening and doing all we can to support you.
Big thank you to the hundreds who showed up for the Embodiment Conference Panther Experience on "Sex and Power" - if you missed it, it's available to purchase along with any of my fellow speakers content through this link.
Light your candles, burn your past on paper or images, delete contacts, shred files, lay naked screaming and sacrificing whatever feeds your soul, pray your ass off. If you read this late, do it anyway. The veil is thin, they are listening. And so are we... the others.
Be the Witch.
See you on the other side of the Dark Moon.
Wahe Guru,
X La Pantera.